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Sabtu, 27 Mei 2017

Free Ebook , by Shahida Arabi

Free Ebook , by Shahida Arabi

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, by Shahida Arabi

, by Shahida Arabi

, by Shahida Arabi

Free Ebook , by Shahida Arabi

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, by Shahida Arabi

Product details

File Size: 4463 KB

Print Length: 353 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1945796324

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Thought Catalog Books (January 18, 2017)

Publication Date: January 18, 2017

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#15,066 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I've been studying narcissism for quite a while and thought I knew everything there was to know by now. I rarely write reviews but I'm so impressed by this book, I can't recommend it enough for anyone who has suffered abuse by a narcissist or is trying to get out of an abusive relationship now. You deserve the best and more... so I strongly encourage you to get this book!

Where to begin? This book was life changing. it completely validated everything from my experiences (suicide, anxiety, depression, "neediness", literally everything. It took every detail from my past struggles and validated and helped make sense of everything. It's like I was reading my own biography. The book is organic and engaging, and ever word becomes apart of your healing. I'd recommend this read for anyone who has ever dealt with abusive parents, abusive friends or partners, or just being manipulated in general. I cannot begin to thank the author enough for that this book has done for me. Her experience and guidance is something that has defined my life.

I ordered this book after I sat in my vehicle in 90 degree heat recently in the parking lot of my job on a Saturday night. I could no longer be at the house with this narcissistic abuser I have been living with for 20 years. I could at least pick up some WiFi in the parking lot. As I sat there watching Youtube videos until I thought it was safe to go back to the house, I came across a fantastic video posted by this author Shahida Arabi discussing the importance of knowing what you can do to reclaim your life after narcissistic abuse and all the signs and symptoms of PTSD. I have been looking for a supportive and honest therapaeutic book to help me, and this is it. It is saving my life and instrumental in guiding me through the process of no contact. She knows this personality disorder from the beginning to the end. I wish I could thank her in person. Thank her for giving me the insight and validation that victims need to move forward in the process of healing from the nightmare of this type of damage. I wish I could have read this sooner. Highly reccomend this book.

This book should be required reading for teens or young adults before they begin any serious relationship. I wish I had read this years ago! This book opened my eyes to toxic behaviors I was experiencing in relationship. I now know the red flags to look for so I don't make excuses for others' toxic behaviors, and so I don't allow myself to be subjected to the ongoing and recurring emotional abuse and trauma that these behaviors inflict.

This is an amazing read for anyone who has lived through the experience and survived narcissistic abuse. I wish I could buy this for all the people who ever discounted, invalidated or dismissed my experience as well. I feel that this book will be an asset to my healing and recovery from the abuse!

I have spent the last three years throwing myself into every kind of self help and development program I can to try and heal, but I found myself bumping up against an invisible wall I couldn't describe or understand. After starting therapy earlier this year I learned I had emotional trauma resulting from emotional abuse. From that I began my search anew and discovered this book. The emotional peace and freedom I have gained from this book have impacted me far more than anything else and I finally feel I have the understanding and language to describe what I have been going through.The author has the approach of a survivor, someone who intimately understands what I have been trying so hard to understand myself and could never describe to someone else. She speaks from the same emotional places of hurt and recovery I need, and I can almost feel her nodding her head along with my own wounds and comforting me. At the same time as she speaks subjectively, she includes the relevant research from therapists and specialists in the field, providing links and references to support everything she speaks about. Ultimately combining her approach-ability and comfort with hard facts.Ultimately this book helped guide me to where I can confidently say..."Abuse shaped the victim I was. I shape the survivor I am."

A large part of recovery from narcissistic abuse is understanding what happened and the different ways it can greatly affect you. This book is a great insight into the different types of manipulation as well thoughtful ways of healing and loving oneself. I'm glad I found this book.

Great book for anyone with a true narcissist in their lives. The trauma can be difficult to understand and move past and this book helps you to deal with your conflict. Helps you to understand that your self doubts constructed by the narcissist are not real.

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Senin, 08 Mei 2017

Download Anything for AustinBy Lucinda Leigh

Download Anything for AustinBy Lucinda Leigh

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Download Anything for AustinBy Lucinda Leigh

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For Jaimee Rogers there is one thing more important than her successful modelling career and university studies: her three best friends. But that simple life of quiet achievement is thrown into disarray the moment she meets the alluring rich playboy Austin Blayne. Their romance is passionate and fulfilling until his true dark desires are revealed. How far will Jaimee go to satisfy his every need?

I slowly realised that with this relationship, I was in unchartered territory. I couldn’t remember feeling this way previously. I wanted Austin to take me in the car - right then, right there. I didn’t think I could wait until the fifth or sixth date, or whatever number he had in mind. I wanted to see him naked and for him to want me the same way. I would do whatever he asked - I knew that now. My body was filled with an aching sensation I’d never experienced before, and it was all due to him.
He turned the engine off and faced me, the electric static between us increasing. This was the moment that would determine everything.

  • Published on: 2013-08-01
  • Released on: 2013-08-01
  • Format: Kindle eBook

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Minggu, 07 Mei 2017

Free Ebook Anatomy of Orofacial Structures - Enhanced 7th Edition: A Comprehensive Approach (Anatomy of Orofacial Structures (Brand))By Richard W B

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Anatomy of Orofacial Structures - Enhanced 7th Edition: A Comprehensive Approach (Anatomy of Orofacial Structures (Brand))By Richard W B

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Anatomy of Orofacial Structures - Enhanced 7th Edition: A Comprehensive Approach (Anatomy of Orofacial Structures (Brand))By Richard W B

Anatomy of Orofacial Structures: A Comprehensive Approach, Enhanced 7th Edition makes it easy for students to understand oral histology and embryology, dental anatomy, and head and neck anatomy. Now in full color, the book includes more than 800 images. Its clear coverage provides a solid foundation for students in dental assisting and dental hygiene programs.

  • Comprehensive coverage of oral histology and embryology, dental anatomy, and head and neck anatomy – makes this a single source for oral anatomy.
  • More than 800 detailed anatomical illustrations support the material, including labeled line drawings, radiographs, and clinical photographs.
  • A logical organization puts the most foundational information first, starting with dental anatomy and followed by oral histology and embryology, and then head and neck anatomy.

  • Sales Rank: #870248 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2014-03-12
  • Released on: 2014-03-12
  • Format: Kindle eBook


"This book is thoughtfully and carefully organized to present foundational knowledge in key areas for students entering the field of dentistry. This is a more comprehensive book than others in the field, combining information in one place that's otherwise accessible only separately. Thoughtfully prepared review sections and flashcards make this an attractive resource for the intended audience."-Suzette Stines, DDS(University of New Engladn College of Dental medicine) Doody Review: 4 stars

"I would highly recommend this book to all students; it will see you through dental school and beyond. It is useful for junior years of the BDS course while providing more detailed information for final years and newly qualified dentists." Reviewed by: British Dental Journal Date: Aug 2014 

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